We’ve narrowed down our favorite amazing products that support our mission of healing trauma and put them on a convenient list for you.
Our list has been crafted over years of training and working with others in somatic work and trauma healing.
Some of the links on this website are “affiliate links” that Yolanda Renteria Coaching may receive an affiliate commission for if purchased by users of yolandarenteria.com. Please note, Yolanda Renteria Coaching only recommends products or services that will add value to you. Yolanda Renteria Coaching discloses this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. If an affiliate link is listed, Yolanda Renteria Coaching will disclose it to you at the bottom of each blog post or page, if applicable.